benny brankovic // read my back

benny brankovic's universe captivates its audience with poetic still lifes in abstract forms, contrasting the modern, expressive, and graffiti-referencing enamel paint on raw cotton canvases. one of the themes of the solo exhibition read my back encourages viewers to look at the backside of the artworks, which applies both literally to engaging with the writing on the back and metaphorically to looking at the artworks from multiple perspectives, but especially to remind oneself of the various nuances present in all matters. in a contemporary world filled with tailored algorithms, what we often encounter is likely just one angle of a situation. the exhibition's premise underscores the importance of seeking the other side, nurturing curiosity and critical thinking, and challenging one's way of seeing and perceiving. perhaps now more than ever, it is crucial to remind oneself of the importance of engaging with and reading the flip side of things.